Jim pam casino night kiss

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May 13, 2020

May 12, 2016 Jim and Pam kiss in the ‘Casino Night’ episode After being flirty office co-workers and friends, Jim finally gets the courage to tell Pam how he feels in The OfficeSeason 2 finale “Casino Night.” Jim confesses that he’s in love with Pam in the office parking lot but she tells him she “can’t” because she’s engaged to … It's been nearly 15 years since the "Casino Night" episode of The Office aired, but fans can't seem to get enough behind-the-scenes info on Jim and Pam's big kiss scene. On the latest episode of May 13, 2020 A lot of people assume they Jim and Pams first kiss was casino night season 2 episode 22. Which was was when Micheal held a casino night in the warehouse. When Jim confesses his true love for Pam. When Pam calls her mom Jim comes up to the office there he can be seen kissing Pam. But in fact their first kiss was season 2 episode 1 the Dundies.

May 13, 2020

Jul 26, 2019 Jim and Pam's relationship begins in a mean-spirited way His actions come to a head during the "Casino Night" episode, when Jim tries of his verbal advances, comes looking for her, and wordlessly pla Dec 25, 2017 Pam gets drunk at Chili's during the Dundies, and she kisses Jim, sharing their first onscreen kiss. Season 2, Episode 22: “Casino Night.” Jim  Jun 26, 2011 As we watched Roy pull away, Jim turned to me and asked "Hey, "Pam? What's wrong?" I heard the concern in her voice. "Mom," I was scared to tell her. "Jim. He told me, he told me that So when Jim confesses his love to her during the office's casino night, it was both elating and shattering at the same time.Jim was about to leave the office 

May 11, 2016 In the Season 2 finale, Jim decided to tell Pam how he really felt about her during the company's "Casino Night." The finally kiss happened 

Jun 13, 2020 Jim (John Krasinski) and Pam's (Jenna Fischer) romance on The Office was one for the ages. Over the course of nine seasons, fans watched  Nov 14, 2019 People Are Debating When Jim And Pam Had Their First Kiss On @ theofficenbc @johnkrasinski Casino night is the first true kiss obviously. May 14, 2020 As you might recall, Jim and Pam's debut smooch happened during the final episode of Season 2, "Casino Night." On the day of filming, Fischer  Nov 14, 2019 Fans that will recall that “Casino Night” is the episode in which Jim finally confesses his feelings to Pam, who in turn tells him that they can't be  May 26, 2020 “The Office”: Jim and Pam's first kiss has been recreated for season 3 However, in Night Casino Night, ” Jim finally expressed his feelings to 

May 11, 2016

Ahhhh Casino Night. The season 2 finale where we finally got to see our favorite couple kiss, with Jim admitting his feelings to Pam. Across all 9 seasons of The Office, we witness one of May 14, 2020 · Jim & Pam's First Kiss On 'The Office' Was A Nerve-Wracking Day On Set. By Corinne Sullivan. May 14, 2020. "Casino Night." On the day of filming, Fischer and Krasinski were purposely kept